Wednesday, September 2, 2015

A New Hope Devlog #7

 Theres hope for Turbomine. I thought about a couple of days ago and asked myself why I didn't finish it. I should finish it! I'll keep things simple and hope that I'll be able to complete this game.

;-) Just a small piece of information about Turbomine's status quo. Have a great day fellas.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

devlog #6

I love reading gamasutra articles. Especially articles like this one.Gilan Israel wrote a greate quote in the beginning of his text. It's about finishing a game is way more harder than starting the development. I never finished a game before. I'm pretty confident that Turbomine will be released.
If you start a game (libgdx or not), everything is open, unformed and you can change every little piece of your work. Thats what gives us freedom in creativity. If you come closer to your goal, you'll have an engine and game mechanics. So everything new has to fit in this world and also in your code. I think thats why it's difficult, but also new things appear on your to-do list. Marketing, sexy graphics, audio...
I'm not done with this stuff now. But thats what I think are the difficulties about finishing a game.

Theres still a lot I have to do, sadly I don't really have time for turbomine everyday. I'm feeling bad about that because I want to finish it. What did I do until now since the last devlog?

I added a analytics module to capture and analyze the click behaviour of the user. Theres no cloud synch. at the moment, but probably later. If I'd add this, just in a kind of anonymous mode.The only things the module tracks is how often a user clicked in one game and how many ressources the user mined.

The next thing I'll do is to figure out how I can improve the Ressource spawn behaviour. I need to calculate the odds in a right way. 

Furthermore a friend of mine will take care of the graphics. Thats damn awesome! You can check out some of his work on deviantart. Great vector and pixel styles! Out of that another friend wants to help with the audio stuff. So I'm very thankfull about all of this help. I'd be able to do the graphics and audio too, but I don't think that it would be that good and I don't enjoy this work. Programming is just my favourite task.

If you want to know something or you have an idea please comment down below or write to @Mezzenstein.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Devlog #5


Today I want to talk about the latest changes and a new graphic style. The new graphics have a comic like outline. This style is simple and fits very well. It just works. Down below you see one of my drafts. On the bottom of this image you can see the new design of the ressources.
Early draft of the layout

I have still problems with the gameplay. You get a score if you collect all wanted ressources.
That makes the user ignore all other stone blocks. They will just spam click one or two columns.
So thats not how it should be.
The idea is now that I integrate solid blocks (granite) which are super hard to mine. Only a special item can detonate them instant, but it won't spawn often. So this mechanic allows me to "force the user" to change the columns. Thats probably what I'll try.

Damn! I'm at a point now where the game needs that many changes and of course none of them was in the concept before. The bad thing is that it would be very useful and reasonable to implement them.

Furthermore I'd like to introduce you to the new game elements.

Power ups:

If a user mines the power up timebomb the user will get some amount of bonus time added to the time bar. 

The miningpower strengthens your miningpower to two. So for ten seconds you are able to mine twice as fast as before.


Sometimes there might spawn granite. Granite and diamonds are very hard to mine. A bomb can be used three times and it has a miningpower of twenty a click.

I wasn't able to work on turbomine for a week now. So this is my whole report. If you have any suggestions or other ideas please write them in the comments. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Devlog #4

The last time I updated my devlog was some days ago.
If you can remember, I made some user tests. People asked why the mined ressources come up only if the whole row was cleared. You had to mine four fields before 4 would spawn new.
Thats one big change in the gameplay. It is now much easier to gather the minerals. I don't know wether it's good or not. If you want to see a visualization of what I'm talking about - here is a older screen capture I made just for your!

The goal: collect all the ressources which are listed on top of the stone blocks.
Two small user tests (I showed it to two of my friends) gave me some useful feedback.

What do I want to change now?

  • Sexy graphics
  • More details (like stone fragments pop up and fall down if you mine a rock)
  • Better audio
  • Better ressource Spawn 
  • Traps (like a ice block which freezes other blocks arround it - you can't mine them if they are frozen)
Thanks for reading! I'd love to see some comments on this one. In the next log I'll talk about the progress of implementing the changes above. Have a great time!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Turbomine Devlog #3

Hey everyone,
welcome to my third devlog. I was able to make some very little progress. The audio button now works if you click on it. So the player can decide if the sound is enabled or not. I also worked on the menu layout. It is corrected and now centered. Out of that the timebar in the top of the game now counts down permanently. Before it just ticked down once a second.

I showed my prototype to friends some days ago. The feedback was positive. Fun fact, most of them had the same suggestions.Which I also noted in this post's draft before I made the tests.
  • A new rock should appear right after the player mined one
  • Better graphics
  • The chances for the right (the requested) ressource should be better
Those three tasks are now my main quests. If they are "done", I'll do more user tests. I'm a bit scared - I really don't do lots of digital painting stuff. We will see!

Libgdx ressources and tutorials

Before I'll post my third devlog in the next days I want to write down some websites that collect tons of great libgdx knowledge.

If you are new to libgdx there are some articles that should help you.

Libgdx - Getting Started documentation by badlogic games
Step by step example game by kilobolt

Out of that you need to look at this libgdx forum thread. A nice collection of game development tools. Most of them are open source I think.

If you have a specific problem I'd suggest you the following sites.

libgdx java doc (everything you need to know)
libgdx wiki (lots of useful stuff)
libgdx forum (be friendly and other users will help!)
libgdx reddit (try it!)
You can also try stackexchange there are a lot of libGdx users, too!

These are not the kind of tutorials you are looking for?
Then you should check out the youtube channel of dermetfan. This guy knows how to deal with libgdx.

Well, this are the first links which come to my mind if someone would ask me for them! I hope that this list can help someone. If you have suggestions which links are totally missing here right now - write them in the comments please!
Have a great day :)

Friday, April 10, 2015

Turbomine Devlog #2

Welcome to my second Turbomine devlog!
To be honest.. I didn't do a lot since my last (and first) post. There were a lot of other things to do, but I managed to implement some minor features and thought about "how to plan game development" in general.

New features
  • Game Over
  • Last Score
  • Best Score
  • Audio ON/OFF (just the button)
Yeah, this list is easy to read.
What did I do? I created a new manager Class. The PreferenceManager uses the Libgdx preferences which stores data in a hash map file.In my case I want to store the best and last score, but also the information if audio is enabled. (Thanks to the awesome libgdx community for the little help ;)
Whenever a game gets into the game over state, the scores move into the preferences and the user returns to the main menu.

 I was thinking a lot which features my game should have. But it doesn't need that much. The whole challenge of the game would be not that intense as it is now. There is one power up in my game allready. Called the "Time bomb". The user will get some amount of time if he collects it.
Pants down - this is how my prototype looks right now!

I will try to upgrade the graphics of turbomine, but I think at the moment it's not important. The game should run first.
In the next few days I'll try to make a road map, or at least I want to know what I'll implement in this game. If you have any kind of advice or guidline to this, please write a comment :)